So before I start I have to borrow my friend Marisa's words, I am not going to apologise for this being such a long post because you don't have to look at it if you don't want to :)
Seems as if the past month has been super busy. I have started subbing, Nate ran a half-marathon, Kade and I took a trip to see my family, we did a fun hike with some friends, celebrated Valentines day, and Kade turned 6 MONTHS!!!

GO BABE!!!!!! Nate ran the Lost Dutchman's Half Marathon on Valentines day. When he signed up for it a while back I thought there was no way I'd be ready for it. I ran with Nate while he trained and when the time came I was kinda sad I didn't sign up cause I felt like I maybe could have done it. I was SOOOO proud of Nate though! He did great! He got 1 hour and 46 min. and finished 6th in his division. I have to brag for Nate because he wasn't able to train as much as he'd of liked and he still got a good time. I wish I was as good of a runner as he is. I love that Nate likes to run long distance and we can share that hobby together. It was really fun to bring Kade to cheer for his daddy. My favorite pic is the random guy in the green shirt trying to get in the picture. If you blow up the collage you can see it better. Cracks me up every time.

We decided to do low key Valentines day this year, but I still loved it. I am sucker for all Holidays. Nate made me a thoughtful, homemade gift and I LOVED it. He made a balloon bouquet and put little love notes in each of the balloons. Those kinds of presents are my favorite. I made up a cheesy poem for Nate and gave him some running socks and energy GU for his race. One of my dearest friends, old roommate, old soccer teammate, Lindsey Sombs...came to visit it Valentines weekend. She spoiled Kade and he loved her. Grandma and Grandpa Sager of course had some Valentines treats for the little man too.

My poor mother had a bit of a spill about a week ago. She tripped down some stairs while going out to eat with friends. She broke one ankle and tore the ligaments....AND sprained the other one! I felt SO bad because she can't even walk at all because both ankles are shot! She has to be in a wheel chair until the sprain heels and she can maybe move on to crutches. I flew up to Utah to try to help her. Although I must admit, I am not a very good help. I still tried to make her do things with me instead of resting. She was a very good sport. It was such a fast trip, I was only there for a few days but it was SO good to see the fam. We went to this sweet indoor pool by Jeff and Brandi's house. Dylan and Kennedy (Carolyn's little miss) were so funny playing on the slide. Kade was such a lounge cat. He only wanted to float on his back and lay his head on the life jacket head rest. It was so funny! He actually feel asleep in the water for like 45 min. while my dad was floating him around! We were all dying. To bad I can't put water in his crib! I was able to squeeze some other fun things while I was there. My cousin Amy is a Cougarette and we went to their dance concert. They are amazing. I got to see Mark and Nat's sweet apartment. I stayed a night with Jeff and Brandi. We got to visit my grandparents in Springville. Kade loved getting spoiled by Grandma and Grandpa Davis. We also through Des a Bridal shower. As always, it was a lot of fun to get together with the high school girls. I miss all my Utah friends and family already! Get feeling better mom!
My man turned 6 months on February 15th!!!!! What??? Has it really been a year? I just want to freeze him in this stage for a while. I am lovin it so much. He cracks me up everyday. I really think he has to be the funniest baby ever invented. He is such a ham and getting more personality everyday. This little guy is super happy and loves to play. He likes anyone to hold him and entertain him.
Weight= 16 lbs 9 oz... 27% He used to be in the 50% for weight but has gone down. Kinda shocked me cause he looks like a chunk to me. He eats like a horse but still barfs a lot.
Height= 26.5 inches....49%
Head Circumference= 18inches... 92% Can you say noggin??? I think once he gets hair and grows into it it'll be a lot better for him.
*Kade sits up all on his own. It's great cause he can sit and play with toys for long periods of time.
*Kade is rolling around/scooting...not so great cause I already need to start baby proofing.
*He is still taking his acid reflex medicine which seems to help a lot.
Kade Loves:
*Blowing out his pants and rolling around in it. There goes the new carpet
*All fruit baby food, rice, and oatmeal. He pants like a puppy between every bite to try to get you to hurry
*Nursing. I am glad I stuck with it because I love it now. I have to do bottles when I am subbing and he only likes to drink bottles arched upside down. Don't ask
*Loves taking showers with Nate
*Still loves going to my soccer games. He's always in the best mood while we are there.
*Nights and naps are getting much better. Sometimes still hit and miss with waking up screaming around 3 am
*He loves to fake cough to try to make himself cry when he wants out of his crib
We did this hike with the Greens and Sombs. It was the day after Nate's race and he still had to drag me up some of the hills. The Greens brought their dog Wally. Kade loves him. He makes a good substitute doggy.