I am just missing both my boys right now, so wanted to post some cute pics. Do they really make little boys as cute as Kader?! Nate is at work right now and Kade is having a sleepover at Nate's parents house. I don't know how we could do it without the help of our friends, family, and ward members here. I miss Kade when he has his sleepovers, but it does help a lot. I haven't fully recovered from our nasty weekend at the hospital. But everyday seems to get better. I am way too stubborn and I kept thinking I was fine (even though I was ralphing all day Saturday). Nate had to work Saturday night and I told him to go to work and that I would be okay. I guess that was pretty dumb because I ended up blacking out while throwing up. I got in the shower to try to rinse it all off me and was throwing up in there too (the total nasty kind of barfing when it is about 20 times in a row)....yes, probably way to much info!!! Kade was so sad, he stood outside the shower just bawling. Earlier in the day Kade thought the throw up noise was funny and kept mimicking me, by the end of the evening I think it was freaking him out. I was able to get a hold of Nate and he rushed home from work to pick me up and bring me into the hospital. The staff was taking their sweet time getting me checked in, and even our first nurse was moving really slow. As soon as they got my urine sample back and hooked me up to the monitors I all of a sudden had 5 nurses and docs in my room trying to get my IV hooked up asap and blood drawn. Apparently I had 4+ keystones in my urine (I have no idea what that means, just that I guess it is really bad) meaning I was extremely dehydrated because I hadn't been able to keep anything down the whole day. My contractions were coming every 2 minutes and where very strong. They were past the point where I had already asked for my epidural with Kade. I was so out of it that I didn't really feel them and didn't know I was even contracting. Once the IV and drugs started reviving me, I began to feel the contractions a lot more. The nurse kept offering to give me morphine for the pain (I was having bad back labor). I denied it cause it kinda freaked me out. I finally decided, "heck I will give it a try if it can help me feel better".... I am now addicted to morphine and every day since then wish I could be hooked back up to that IV on my morphine drip. I still felt pain, but nothing like usual and it made me relaxed and sleepy. Ahhh, the joys of modern medicine. It took about 6 hours to get the contractions to slow down enough for us to go home. My husband was a Nazi about making me force myself to try to drink. I still had some more barfing episodes after the hospital, but I was finally able to get myself more hydrated. All in all, things are good now. I haven't gotten out of bed for the past 5 days and Nate has earned himself husband of the week award. I couldn't survive without him. I have to take my contraction meds round the clock now. They make my heart race :(. Before I only took the meds if the contractions were really bad. Oh well, I am just so happy we are home and everything turned out fine. My water better break when it's time for labor because I will probably have no idea when it is coming on cause I have been so used to contracting so often. The FFN test they took at the hospital came back negative, hallelujah! So as long as I don't let the contractions get out of control, then the test states I have a 96% chance of NOT going into labor within 14 days. That will put me at 36 weeks. WAHOO! My goal is to make it past 38 weeks.

I love this picture! It is best to brain wash them when they are young...Go Cougs!
Working on our eating skills. After his 2 hour eating evaluation at Primary Children's, they decided that he needs a once a week food therapy for his texture issues. They think he should be able to move through the program quickly. It has been good for me to learn some new techniques to get him to eat. Some days are really good, and some days he will only eat Cheetos. Can't really blame the kid, some days I only eat ice cream. Maybe they should be sending me to food therapy :)