I don't know if Nate and I can be any more excited for this! We both are so excited to be parents. This last year was a little tough at times because once we decided we wanted to start our family, I was ready for it to happen right away. Heavenly Father had to teach me a few lessons of patience! But now we are so blessed with a tiny little thing! We found out on our way to Utah for Christmas. We were all packed and ready in the car and Nate's little bro and his girlfriend were riding with us. I realized I forgot my allergy medicne so I ran back inside to get it. As I was searching I found a pregnancy test (I thought we were gonna go into debt from how many I bought over the few months!) I snuck it under my shirt and ran outside to ask Nate if I could hurry and take the test. I quickly pee on the darn thing and it showed up right away. I freaked out and ran to get Nate. We were jumping up and down like crazies! After we calmed down we had to walk outside all normal and act like nothing happened because we weren't ready to share the news. The second we got to Utah we dropped them off and went to buy more prego tests to make sure. It was SO exciting to tell my family when we were up there. My parents are so excited, they have been wanting some more grandkids VERY bad. So long story short...I am due Aug. 24th...I have been pretty lucky and never got bad morning sickness...I am still able to teach my aerobic classes, but I have quit soccer because I was on crutches the first month of my pregnancy and it has been hard to try to get back into shape. I think breaking my ankle was a good thing after all because it forced me to take a break from soccer for a while I seem to get hurt a lot when I play....This baby is really going to like Cheetos, Mac and Cheese, and spaghetti. I hear about a lot of my friends loosing my appetite and I am still waiting for that to happen! I have already put on too many pretty pounds :) Last time I went to the doctored I was shocked when they weighed me and I cursed really loud! My nurse gave me a dirty look! Maybe this junk food and pizza diet isn't the best choice! My students at school are so happy. I under estimated how excited they would be. Even some of the boys were crying with joy. I think they think it is part theirs. They give it chocolate all the time (hence the pretty pounds) I have to teach them what things "NOT" to say to me. The other day one of the girls innocently said, "You are getting bigger every day, maybe you are further along than you thought!" Yikes!!!

Seeing the Ultra Sound was the best part yet. It was moving around and wagging it's arms! My mom thinks it was waving at her :) Nate thinks all the medical stuff is fascinating...

I am cramming a few other pics in this post too...I have been a slacker and haven't posted in forever so this is a quick update and some of things we've been up too...

Of course we have been on a few fishing trips. Winter in Arizona is AMAZING! 70 degrees is just about perfect, but the fishing during the winter is a little slow.

If there was a competition for catching stupid blue gills, then I would be the champion.

Cardinals Rock! I can't express how much fun this football season has been. We unfortunately aren't able to watch the Broncos in AZ because they don't televise more than 2 games a season. We watched every single Cardinals game of the season this year. They were such a fun team to watch and we couldn't believe they made it to the Super Bowl!!!!! We had some great parties with friends and family watching the games. I even made my self sick from nerves during the NFC championship game. I wish I could watch a game like a normal human being instead of jumping up and down, freaking out and screaming!