Wahoo! We made it to 33 weeks. I feel like/look like a mountain...I am in horrible shape from loafing around so much...but baby Zane is doing good! My contractions are still going on, but it is better than a few months ago and my medication seems to help. Every week seems to be a little better, so I truly think we can make it full term!!! I keep asking myself if I should be "nesting" yet. By this time with Kade I had read every parenting book, painted his themed room, organized his closet, and vacuumed his room 100 times by now. I have to admit the most I have done with this baby is think, "Maybe I should pull out Kade's infant car seat and scrub the old baby barf out of it?" I know I should be doing something to make it special this time around. I guess it just hasn't hit me yet that I will soon have two little boys. I do have to say that I am glad the anxiety of being a first time mom isn't happening this time around. I feel a little guilty that I am not all stressed and excited about everything. It is kind of like the first Christmas that you stop believing in Santa Clause...it is still fun and exciting, but just really different. I am sure if I was aloud to drive then I would be out shopping for this new little man. But for now I guess I am just spending as much one on one time with Kade while I can. Here is to hoping that we can go at least 6 more weeks. As much as I am uncomfortable and can't sleep...I don't want to have a pre-term little one, so bring on the heartburn, fat belly, and bad back :)
I am so grateful that Nate takes Kade on most all his daily runs. I know it is a sacrifice for Nate because you don't get as good of a run when you are pushing the running stroller along. I love it so much for these reasons:
*I love to watch Nate interact with Kade *I love for Kade to get some fresh air *I love how relaxed I am when they are gone :). It is just different from when Kade goes down for naps. I am still having to listen for him while he naps; but when they go on runs I get an hour or more to lay in bed and read. *And I love that I have a cute, fit hubby even though his wife is chubby! he he
My favorite boys. Do they make them any cuter?!
We are getting sad that football season is coming to an end. Sunday's after church just aren't the same without some games and a snack.