Nate, Mark, and Jeff were able to do some ice fishing. That is where I have to put my foot down, I can fish when it's 90 degrees in AZ..but ice fishing?! You gotta be nuts to sit in the cold for hours :) I am really glad Nate got to go because he had a blast both times they went!

These next few pics are Jeff and Nate's fishing tournament in Scofield. It was Nate's first tournament and when you add competition to anything..it makes it even better! Nate was really close to winning some money with that fish. We are gonna blame it on the guy weighing the fish. They weighed his fish twice and took the smaller of the 2 weights. Nate's looked bigger than the guy who placed just ahead of him and he only lost by 1 ounce! What a hoax :)

Jeff chillin in his one piece coveralls!

Haven't seen snow in a while..
This is the fish Nate caught the day before we left to Utah, notice no coat!