Well...this DEFINITELY was not in our game plan. But we just traded in our Element for a Corolla. I have love my orange Bronco Mobile so much. Huge backseat/great for camping/nice for a locker room :)...unfortunately, it has been quiet the lemon. We have had a bunch of dinky stuff go wrong and the transmission is on it's last whim. Monday night our drivers side window plunged down and the pulley snapped and it wont go back up. The same thing happened to the passenger side on the way to Utah last Christmas. The drivers side door won't open with a key, so if you want to lock the door you have to crawl to the other side...fat girls and crawling haven't been the best combo. Instead of getting the window fixed (again) we decided to look to see what we could get as a trade in....

We got a killer deal on the 2009 Toyota with 0% interest. Also, the payments are the same as what we were paying on my Element so we just went for it! Awesome gas mileage, not as awesome storage space...but hopefully this one won't fall apart soon :)

It was a sad day to part with my little junker!

I was starting to go a little crazy trapped in the house the last few months. My back was finally starting to feel better so we decided to go on a couple fishing trips last week. It was a BLAST to get out and have some sort of adventure. It's been 115 degrees in this smokin desert...so night fishing was the perfect thing!

Our nightly ritual of watering our lawn. We love to water, and sometimes have to argue about who's turn it is to spray! Our dumb HOA gave us a letter like 2 days after we moved in saying that our grass was to dead and had to be green with in 14 days. I guess they didn't take in account that we bought a foreclosure in Hot July that had been unoccupied/not taken care of for over 7 months!
Happy Birthday Nate! We had a nice evening for his bday on July 29th! He's so cute, he says all he wants for his bday is to be a dad. I decided to spoil him a little because we didn't do anything for his graduation because we were saving for the down payment. He's worked SO hard on the house and hasn't complained one bit. So he picked out some nice running shoes and a new outfit. He really wanted a bait casting fishing pole, but figured running shoes was more of a need. I decided to sneak and get him a fishing pole. As much as I have learned about fishing in the past 2 years, I am NO expert on picking out poles...I was at Sportsman's Warehouse for over two hours looking at tons of polls. I can't believe he actually approved and loved it! I was so excited to give it to him. I made a funny scavenger hunt around the house leading up to the poll so he had to find it. Of course that evening he was outside practicing with it down the street. He is such an old man, I love it!

Of course we had to go fishing a second time last week to try out the new pole... I get a little ADD so instead of fishing the whole time I like to float in the water.

Nate catches fish that look like this....

...My fish look like this :(

Once again....Nate gets the BIG ones...

...and I am proud of my tiny Bluegills!
Oh PS...baby update= I am now 37 1/2 weeks so I made full term! It's been a CRAZY ride because doctors and the specialists were telling me the would be thrilled if I could make it to the end of July because of my fluid problem. Well, bodies are just the darnedest things and I completed regulated. Then the issue was that little Kade wasn't so little and measuring really BIG! Now we are to the point where the doctors would like to start me so he's not huge, but they don't want to induce me until I start progressing because that increase chances of a C-section...but so does a big baby, so who knows! My last appointment I was dilated to a big zero and only 50% effaced. I have an doctor apt. tomorrow, so we'll see if it's changed! I get the feeling that it still might be a few weeks, which is nuts because a month ago I was totally ready to have him. Now, I am actually okay to wait until he's good and ready. I was having tons of contractions a month ago, and now NADA...for some reason he is getting cozy in there and we might go closer to my due date than we thought! I am just glad that I am feeling better and not laid up in bed anymore...and hoping he's healthy too. Nate teases me because the main reason I don't want him to be so big is so he can still wear the cute newborn clothes in his closet!