Gotta love some friendly competition. Any chance to compete in somethng is fine by me. We had a pumpkin carving contest at our house. The Green's stole the show with their carvings.
Also, a few weeks ago we got together with some friends for the 1st Annual Fishing Tournament. It was a blast! We all camped at Roosevelt Lake and woke up early to start fishing. The teams were the different couples. Every couple had a weigher to weigh the fish. The most weight of fish caught was the winner. Our friends desinged a trophey for the winning team. Nate has it sitting proudly on his desk. We had a bit of advantage because Nate was the only one with a boat. I ended up casting only one time because I was in charge of the little man. Good thing my fisher husband was able to carry the team for all of us! He caught all the fish on his own. It was fun camping but hard to feed him in the middle of the night cramped up in a tent!
Kade wasn't the biggest fan of the smoke from the fire, but he loved eating the smores :) My basketball shorts are hikin up in that pic...opps
It was kinda cold at night, and really hot in the day. After a hard day of fishing Kade really needed to kick back!