Our first family vacation was so much fun! Kade did really well and loved all the attention he got. It was SO nice to hang out with family, and see a bunch of friends that I haven't seen in a while. The drive was really long and Kade is not a big fan of his car seat...as long as he was feed, and the car didn't stop moving then he did awesome.

We did a fun little hike, my legs were sore the next day and we didn't even do much. Man 9 months really takes it out of you. This was marathon weekend in St. George. My dad has run 14 of them, so it is a tradition to have a little get away in st. g with the fam. The last few years Nate and I have run them too. This year Nate got hoaxed and didn't get drawn in the lottery. I didn't even sign up because I new I wouldn't have time to get in shape. My dad was originally planning on doing it but he hurt his foot really bad in his softball league this summer. He decided right before that it wouldn't be smart to gut it out. I am so glad my parents decided to go anyways. It was fun to have all of us in good moods instead of nervous or dying.

We missed the M and Nat a ton. The boys wore their "B Creek" shirts that Mark designed to represent.

Kade has started smiling so much. It just melts my heart every time!!! If you rub his head you can get a grin out of him for sure. Things have gotten a lot better too. I didn't look at the clock once the whole trip and I didn't care about a schedule and Kade did so much better with that. Sometimes he wants to eat every two hours.. sometimes he'll go four (rarely though, he loves his milk) sometimes he takes a long nap, sometimes he doesn't take one at all. He was so much happier. I think schedules are nice to make things predictable...but when have I ever liked predictable. Schedules stress me out and they don't work for Kade. Now I just read his cues and it's great not knowing when he is "supposed" to be hungry again. Also Brandi told me to try supplementing formula maybe once a day. This has made the world of difference. This little piggy has a few feeds a day where he wants to eat more than usual and my supply doesn't give him what he wants. If he still needs more I will top him off 1-2 more ounces with formula. This has helped him become a lot less fussy and sleep longer.

Of course Nate and Jeff were so happy to be fishing buddies. It's so funny how both of them love fishing SO MUCH! They went about every morning at 5 am. They both caught a bunch of fish and had a blast fishing together.

Grandma Davis is a crack up. She got Dylan and Kade matching outfits for everyday. In fact they had about 3 or 4 per day and we had to change them quite a few times to get their pics. We loved it and thought they looked so cute! Dylan didn't like the photo shoots as much as Kade did. I loved playing with Dylan. I couldn't believe how grown up he is! He took 13 steps to me when Brandi and I where practicing with him. It makes me tear up thinking about how far he has come this past few months. I have never seen him really want to eat so much food. He couldn't get enough of his chocolate chips and would say, "Yumm" at every bite. He is like a little parrot and echos almost every word.

We loved the BYU shirt from Grandpa. We didn't think it would fit him because it was 6 months and Kade is only 7 1/2 weeks. But his Buddha belly filled it in perfect. It was just a little long. He is my chunker munker.

Kade thinks Dylan is so funny and wants to learn all his tricks.

D kept trying to sit with Kader in his little bath holder.

Grandpa couldn't get enough of his boys. It was so funny that your vacations become so much different with babies around. All we wanted to do was take pictures of the boys and play with them. It was so much fun, I don't remember what we did before they were in our lives. My parents stayed the first 3 nights but then had to go back to work. The rest of us got another hotel to stay another 2 nights.

Best Buddies!

It was great having my Mom and Dad their to watch Kade. I was able to relax a ton. We got to do a lot of shopping and went out to eat with no stress at all from all the helping hands. Brandi and Jeff were very helpful too. I got to visit my old school that I taught at, it was great to see my old friends I taught with. We also got together with my old roommates that I love and miss, Mari Jo and Jalene and their husbands. Des and Kylee stopped by our hotel to visit and I was glad to see them too. We loved seeing Sam and Kendra and their kids. And Grandma Moore and the Behymers. Nate and I really like AZ and have met some great friends here. But St. George is one of our favorite places and hope to maybe end up there one day.
I miss the Buddha! I want to pat that belly and squeeze those cheeks. We miss you guys. That was so fun! Oh and by the way...we have the absolute cutest boys ever!
The matching outfits make me laugh. So sweet. And I'll have to remember that formula trick when feeding for the future. It's genius!
I'm so glad you guys had a fabulous time in St. George! Kade is looking cuter everyday.
Michelle, the only thing that I have found out about the swine shot is that it has alot of the same stuff in it that the regular flu shot has and if Cruw does get it, it will put him right back at primaries period. So down here we can not get it until the 23 but both my boys will get it. My doc said if you get the shot you could still get swine BUT it will not hit you as hard maybe a mild case of the flu, is what he said. Good LUCK and you have a very handsome little man....
He is such a cute little guy! Your cute mom is such a good grandma I love that they had matching everything! Too cute!
I'm glad you had a good time and that things are getting better for you! The matching outfits are a total grandma thing to do! My mom did that for Christina's and my kids this summer! Our mom's must be sisters or something! :)
P.S. Kade is SO cute! I love his smile!
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