I have such a special place in my heart for my Dad. I love Mothers and Fathers day because it causes you to reflect on your parents and how much they mean to you. I will always be a daddy's girl. I loved being his only daughter and I always strived to make him proud of me. I look up to my dad so very much. As you can see I have taken on his hobbies and he has influenced me greatly in my life. My dad is one of the most selfless people I have ever met. He never complains, he always puts his family and the Lord first in his life. I owe most my entire soccer career to my parents. My dad would drive me to endless soccer practices and games around the valley. He would drive me across the country for tournaments and was my best supporter. I am so glad that my dad helped me get into marathon running with him. We share this passion together and have made many memories on the road together. He literally had to drag my butt through the finish line a few times. Dad, these are a list of other things I am so grateful for:
*Taking me to hundreds of Dodger games
*Supporting me through college and pushing me to be successful
*Coming to all my games
*Teaching me at a young age to love BYU sports and to loathe the U
*Watching funny movies and quoting them over and over
*Teaching me to water ski
*Holding the priesthood and teaching me to choose the right
*Turning me into a little tomboy that is obsessed with sports
*Taking us to the beach all the time when we lived in CA
*For working hard to support our family
*Fulfilling your church callings
*Always remembering to play my birthday song on my day every year
*Being a great grandpa to Kade and Dylan

My poor husband has had some big shoes to fill. When we first got married and anything came up I automatically would want to call my dad. Nate has had to teach me that he knows a thing or two himself...but I still like to double check with my old man :) I also want to give a shout out to my Grandpas. They were both great Fathers and raised my parents well. My Grandpa Davis and Dad are so much alike and I love them both so much. Also I am so grateful for my father in law, Greg. He's always willing to help us and I am glad that they live in AZ so I can get to know Nate's family better.
I am glad that he taught Nate to love fishing so that Nate can teach our boys. Greg is a great spiritual example to us as well. I know a lot of friends and family who's fathers aren't with them today and I am so grateful for the knowledge we have that we can be with them again someday.

Now Nathans turn. Happy First Fathers Day!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am the biggest hoax of a wife. I bought him stuff to make breakfast this morning but we have 8 o'clock church and I didn't get my bum in gear fast enough this morning. While he showered for church I snuck back into bed. He had to change Kade's diaper and get him all ready instead of getting breakfast in bed! Me and Kade did get him some nice presents and had a yummy dinner with at Nate's parents. I just can't get enough of Kade's face in these pictures. He was so happy to help daddy open his presents. Kade already looks up to Nate so much. Nate lets him sit on his lap when he fishes and Kade can't get enough of it. I am so glad for Nate's medical knowledge to help me with our son. Nate is half asleep in these pics because he has been working the past 3 nights. I am grateful for his sacrifice to work the night shift so that I can be at home with our son. Thank you for being an amazing dad already and I look forward to our years to come!