Yep, these posts are all out of order. For your blogging enjoyment I have posted 4 updates tonight. Starting with the 4th of July and so on. Even if you don't feel like looking through and reading all my nonsense. I would at least recommend you scroll down to the 4th post. The picture of Kade eating that pickle is epic :).
Every year my mom and her sisters have a girls week. They let the daughters tag along which is nice because I don't have any sisters. I was glad my cousin Emily and her Kids got to go too. So the other 3 posts are about or St. George Trip...and then my random, impromptu, one day trip to West Jordan.
My dad had a softball game the night I was there. I LOVE watching softball games. There team is fun to watch because there is a lot of my friends' dads on the team, and my uncle David. I have to give a shout out to my dad who has been working out a lot this year and focused on healthy eating. He has lost a ton of weight and looks like a young man and not a grandpa! Kade got to stay up really late and throw balls with Grandpa. I am pretty sure they both loved it. Oh, and it wouldn't be a Davis outing without the 2 boys in matching outfits :)Every year my mom and her sisters have a girls week. They let the daughters tag along which is nice because I don't have any sisters. I was glad my cousin Emily and her Kids got to go too. So the other 3 posts are about or St. George Trip...and then my random, impromptu, one day trip to West Jordan.

This is Kade talking to his daddy on the phone. He loves to be big and put cell phones by his ear and jabber. Nate missed Kade so much. While we were gone Kade started throwing balls like a MLB pitcher, standing for more seconds without holding on to anything, pointing at everyone he sees, and stopped his cute army crawl. Because there wasn't tile in any of the houses Kade didn't have to slither like a little snake. I am kinda sad that he just uses his big boy crawl now. He used to do both but I always loved the slither best.