October...my favorite time of year! Baseball playoffs, football season, best weather in AZ, beginning of the holidays, and to kick it all of the St. George Marathon. This was my dad's 14th St. George full marathon. Amazing huh??! As if you can't tell by looking at those runners legs, can I be jealous that my dad can pull off short shorts better than I can?! So basically since I can even remember we have spent the first weekend in Oct. in st. g every year. My dad has definitely been my inspiration with running. I have already vented my sadness about having to sit last year out because I just barley had Kade, and then this year as well because of being preg again. So worth it cause I love my babies....But now Nate is caught up with me and we both have ran 4 full marathons. I think I have raced in a few more half-marathons but we are pretty close. I embraced my cheerleader role and had an AMAZING weekend cheering Nate and my dad on and spending time with the fam.

I was SO dang proud of Nate the Great! He is back into school full time and with working full time it has been really hard for him to get in the training he needed. He was doing really well training until the last few months when school started. I was not jealous when he was waking up at 4:30 am to try to beat the heat (which is basically impossible, AZ was NASTY this summer!)...Or, he would come home from work after working 14 hrs. and all through the night, and run the next morning. Kill me now! So Nate unfortunately didn't get his goal time. Around mile 13 he got the worst charlie horses in his quads and had trouble with his calves. He said that you could see the muscles clinched up and he couldn't get them to relax. He pushed through the pain for the rest of the way and got a 4hr 39 min time which I still think is great!

Apparently the beginning of the race was a record for heat. Usually it is cool for at least the first 10 miles...I was worried when I heard that because my dad doesn't do good with the heat. He still did amazing! He ran a 4hr and 9 min marathon! He always reminds us about the years that he got under 3 hrs. 30 min. but for him to be a grandpa now and still kicking butt is awesome in my book! Plus he felt really good after the race which isn't always the case. My dad went to prestood season after the race! My butt would've been in bed. Nate didn't feel as good so he and Jeff went fishing instead. Fishing always heals their souls. Good job dad and Nate!
It was hard to tell who was more tired, the runners or the spectators. Man it was hot sitting there cheering ;). Dylan and Kader did really good at staying in their strollers the whole time. They were sleepy from us dragging them out of bed, and then making them sit in the heat for a long time. They both earned some toys and dvd's for being so good. Nate earned a couple new running tops, and I earned a diet coke! Wahoo! Oh, and thanks Uncle Sam and the girls for coming to support! And some other shout outs: Aunt Nancy, for letting us sneak into your house to sleep in the middle of the night after arriving into town. And it was great to see Aunt Amy and her kids and my Grandma Moore. And once again, sorry to my St. George friends who I didn't get to see, I still love you all and just always get so wrapped up in family events when I am with them.

So I am the biggest air head. I usually am too focused on cheering that I forget to take pics. I wasn't going to post marathon pics until I could steal some from Brandi and my mom, but I thought I better use what I got so I don't get behind. This race I swore that I would get great action shots. As soon as Nate passed us I ran along the side of him (not on the race course, but behind the gate) to snap some shots. Apparently pictures DON'T turn out if you are pushing the on and off button instead of the picture button....so I got a sore back from my dumb shoes and still no cool pics! I finally noticed at the end and was able to get a good one of them putting the medal on him.

The little boys had the best time just playing on the bed! We brought up tons of toys, and of course Grandma had some new things for them (thanks mom, I love it!)...but the little guys were just interested in jumping on the hotel beds. They would wrestle and flop around like little fish! It was a little nerve wracking for all of us to make sure one of them didn't go flying off! The hotel had a great pool that Kade loved, and yes...no pics of that :(
The two cutest snuggle bugs ever watching their cartoons with their hot mamas ;)
Kade is totally Dylan's puppy dog. He follows him around everywhere. Dylan seemed to like him better on this trip more than he ever has. I think it is because Kade can walk and play with him a little more. Kade doesn't sleep well on vacations cause that boy LOVES his crib...when he got fussy at night Dylan would say, "Oh just stop crying" it was hilarious. We miss Dylan so much already!

My chunky monkey may be picky about what food he likes...but if he can get his hands on stuff he likes, then he literally won't stop eating. He chowed down more than half that apple on his own after a big continental breakfast! He loves his chompers! Please notice that doll in the background. I told my mom that I am afraid that Kader won't understand "soft" with the new baby. My mom heard that it is a good idea to let them practice soft with a fake baby. You can guess how that went over with Nate and Grandpa. They said absolutely not! They wouldn't even let him touch it! Lame, I don't think a one year old will grow up with issues from just touching a baby doll. No, I don't want him carrying it around with him all day but to touch it is fine with me. I would try to get Kade to play with it just to bug the men. Kade wanted nothing to do with it except to steal it's fake binki. Needless to say, that baby went back home with my mom...there was no way in heck Nate would allow it back to AZ with us until there is a little girl in the house to play with it. Oh boys :)

Grandma and Grandpa are the best...they can't get enough of their boys!
I look really stupid and didn't realize I was arching my back. Like I said before I hurt it really bad trying to run and take useless pictures. Holding Kade is starting to be quite the struggle. I am turning into such a wuss! But this is the only pic we got with Jeff and Brandi because the little ones weren't loving picture time when the pool was right there staring at them.
Doesn't Kade look so much like his daddy in that pic???!!! And yes I am only 17 weeks preg...not 27. I get huge so fast!
Look at that face! Don't you just want to bite him?? I swear he gets cutter and cutter by the second. I love my Kader so much!!!!!!!
I thought this post was long enough already so I wasn't going to say anything...but what the heck while I am already up late I may as well get it all done. SOOO, we pretty much know what we are having!!! :) I had a doctor apt. when we got back into town. They decided to do an ultra sound because maybe I am all of the sudden huge and gained 7 lbs since my last apt only 4 weeks ago...hello! They were worried that it was polyhydramnios (excess amniotic fluid) like last time. Well, the good news is that so far the fluid looks just fine! Now, bad news is what the heck can I blame it on! The ultra sound tech was being a little weird about checking for the sex. They are so annal about waiting until you are 20 weeks to tell you. She took a quick peek...she told us she couldn't be 100% sure but she was pretty darn sure. It was clear as day to me :) We decided to wait for our next ultra sound in a few weeks before we announce it so we can be sure. I am a tease? Not that anyone really cares to much either way..I just want to be sure. I love to find out the sex because it makes it more real for me. I think we are almost set on a name too! To be honest I have mixed feelings about what the gender, but truly am excited! I will go into more detail soon!