He is here! Okay, so maybe he was born two weeks ago and I am FINALLY getting to blogging about it. The pictures are all out of order, I can only get 4 collages on one post, so there are also more posts below if you want to keep scrolling down (I had to post it in 3 parts) so the labor story is down further. We are so happy and loving our new addition.
Zane K Sager
Born Saturday, Feb. 26th @ 7 lbs. 3 oz.

My mom took some family pics for us. Not a lot of them turned out because Kade was not loving it, we even let him bring his monkey's and some jelly bellys
I can't believe we are now a family of 4!
Break through! You will see in our pics below that Kade wouldn't sit by Zane. The last few days have been much better. My cute little Zane is half asleep in all the pictures ha ha!
Love bugs!!! I can't express how happy this picture makes me

A few days before Zane was born, Nate ran a half marathon. He did GREAT! His time was 1 hr. 42 min. I am so proud of him because he was tough to find time to train because his days off from work were spent catching up on homework, grocery shopping and cleaning for me. Kade went with Nate and a lot of his runs and I was so glad me and Kade could go support Nate at his race. I had just turned 36 1/2 weeks so we thought it would be safe to go. We looked like a mess trying to rush to the finish line in time...we made it there bright and early but still missed Nate crossing the finish line :( I was putting Kade's gloves back on while we were waiting and Nate slipped by without us seeing him cross!
Good Job Nate!