Nate and I went to Roosevelt Lake last Saturday. We had to get up at 3 in the morning because my husband always has to be the first one out to the lake! I figured I owed it to him because I have been a piece of work the past week. My hormones have been suprisingly normal the first part of my pregnancy, and unfortunatly I couldn't consider them quite "normal" last week! Between report cards, parent teacher conferences, and not fitting into ANY clothes...I had a few episodes trying to get ready for school in the morning. Unless people consider throwing shoes across the room at your husband because he told you your navy blue shoes where black is normal...then I was a little crazy! It all started when I was trying on a new pair of maternity pants that were so hedious that it looked like I was wearing a diaper, so I guess that put me in a sour mood. Oh the joys! So I do need to thank Nate for being the most patient hubbster in the whole world. I don't know how I got so lucky to deserve him. He always looks for ways to make me feel better and to love me. Luckily during our fishing weekend I didn't have any crazy episodes, and we had a GREAT time together!
I love how happy Nate gets when he cathes a good fish! He's like a giddy, little kid on Christmas day! Nate caught 13 fish that day and they were ALL good size!

This is how I spent the first hour out on the lake...the sun isn't shinning at 5 in the morning! Nate was catching enough fish for the both of us :)

Meet our fish Cheeto! I got to name him. He was 5 and a half pounds, his biggest catch of the day. Nate forgets to eat or drink when we are fishing because he is afraid he will miss out on catching a fish. I finally was able to convince him to eat a string cheese (I wanted to him to hurry and eat something before I ate it all and there was nothing left, I have no problem eating while we fish!) He left is bait in the water while he tried to open his cheese stick and he suddenly got a bite...he set the hook and the fish got off and he was SO bumbed. Nate decided to go back to the cheese stick and right away AGAIN he got another bite. This time he was able to set the hook and he caught HUGE Cheeto! He fought like crazy, it was so fun to see him catch it. We were going to take Cheeto home to grill, so we put him in a bag with water in it and tied it to the outside of the boat. Cheeto swam along next to us the rest of the day and he kinda felt like he was our pet! By the end of the day I couldn't bare to keep it...you can't eat something after you name it! So we let Cheeto go...maybe he'll get bigger and we can catch him next year!

I read my book the whole time and didn't catch even ONE fish. I'll cast like 3 times, and if I don't catch something right away then I get sick of it. I would rather relax and read. But I do have an important job...I am the net girl!

Our friends joke that Nate's hobby has aged him 30 years because there is normally a bunch of old retired guys out on the lake. Nate can just make friends with all the old men and share fishing tips together. I love it!