We feel like we live at the Doc. office lately. I now have to go every week. One week I go to the specialist (the perinatal Doc) and the off week I go to my regular OB Doc. So it means at least one apt. every week. We really like the Perinatal Doctor. He helped answer a lot of our questions. I officially have Polyhydramnios, excessive amniotic fluid around the baby. I explained about it a little in other posts. Basically, women get it for 1 of 3 reasons. 1st and most common reason is a birth defect. The specialist was for the most part able to rule that out of the picture. That was such a relief to us. He said of course he can't write any guarantees...but he is looking just fine. 2nd reason is if the Mother gets gestational diabetes...I had all the testing done and I don't have that either! So about 20% of women get Polyhydramnios for no reason...and they are pretty sure I am in that category. We are SO grateful to that. Now what it means is that I am at higher risk for pre-term labor because you get so big that you water just bursts. The reason I have to go to the doc. every week is so they can constantly check my fluid levels. The normal level is 5-18... I am now at a 33. The Doc. said that I have enough fluid to carry triplets in there...how fun! Unfortunately my levels keep rising every week and we are hoping that start to level out soon. If I get into the 40's then it's looking like bed rest. Bed rest is just what I need when we are trying to move! But we have so much to be grateful for it's hard to complain. We are both so stinkin excited for this little guy to get here. The bad part of me getting so big...is the back pain is in full swing. I am only 27 weeks and my hips are already dislocating. My due date is still Aug. 24th, but the Doctors are just hoping we can make it to the first week of Aug. So we will just have to see! :)
Nate had is Graduation! It happened to be the same day has my BDay. It was pretty funny because we both kept trying to make sure that we weren't taking the other persons glory and that it could be a special day for the both of us. Nate getting his RN was the best birthday present for me. I was really surprised how emotional I was at his ceremony. All of the nurses had to wear all white scrubs. I was so proud of him when they gave him the special Nightingale award. He worked so hard and I am amazed how much he was able to accomplish. Nate is now working full time at the hospital on the Medical Surgical floor. He is working the night shift so I am trying to get accustomed to sleeping home alone some nights. I need to get better at letting Nate take a nap before his shift starts because around 4am he starts sleep walking. It's just hard because I want to spend time with him before he has to be gone all night! He leaves for work at 6:30 pm and gets home at 8:30 am...I would die! I think we are in for a run for our money next year because Nate will be working full time and going to school again full time. During the RN program he was only working maybe 1 day a week. I am also going to work next year, and we'll have little Kade. We decided I am going to try to teach for one more year to help us save up and get through his Master's program and then hopefully (crossing every finger and toe) I can stay at home and be a mama!
Congrats on graduation!! So what will he be in school for next year? Are you planning on teaching full time next year too? I am sure you guys will get a good system figured out quickly. Ok, so what has been going on lately with your doc app's? Have you been going in every week for ultra sounds? Oh and p.s. I love your hair- so cute!!!
Wow Michelle! You've been busy. I can't believe your levels! Do they think it will happen with other pregnancies too? I hope you don't get put on bed rest! Good luck with it!
Oh Michelle! Let me know if I can do anything to help. If you get put on bed rest we will come and entertain you lots! Hope you are doing well!
Wow you're a trooper. I bet you feel like what most women feel like if they've gone a week or two over, and you've still got 10 more weeks. I compared the last couple of weeks of my pregnancy to the worst hell week i ever had in soccer. It helped me, I just thought, 'I can make this, my body has done harder things.' (except delivery) Good luck i hope you get to 36 weeks.
Ok, forget all those questions in my first comment- For some reason that whole baby update didn't show up the first time. Wow, Those levels seems crazy! We will keep you in our prayers and hope that baby cooks as long as possible!:)
Yay for graduation! And while your condition in and of itself is scary, I'm so glad that there are excellent doctors and medical advancements to help treat you and your little one. You seem in fairly high spirits, which is admirable. Hang in there--only a few more weeks (easy for me to say, right?).
Congrats to Nate on his graduation... and Happy birthday to you! Hope you are feeling well.
I am doing Katelyn's address labels for her wedding. We will send them out at the end of this month and I wasn't sure if we should send it to where you are living now or to your new house (not sure when you are moving). Anyway, let me know and send me your new address! Emily8686@hotmail.com
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