These first two pics are out of order...this is Nate and his sister painting our bathroom

One of the amazing blankets my mom made for me! Brandi made the cute diaper cake.

I swear once you get backed up on's SO hard to catch up because you know it's going to take forever. Plus, we have been without Internet for quite a while during the moving process. I can't wait to spend some time checking up on other friends and families blogs to see your updates! We'll start with a new belly pic...yes it has gotten bigger. That picture was a month ago in our old house. I feel like my belly hasn't gotten much bigger since then, I am just getting fatter other places :). I still have had weekly doctor apts. this past few months and now until Kade gets here. My polyhydramnious has gone done tons! My levels went from extreme down to just high fluids! That was great the only problem is they think Kade is huge. I know it's hard to tell for sure. Put at the specialists they have top of the line equipment for ultra sounds. On June 23rd he was already measuring 5 lbs 1 oz...and I was only 30 weeks. I guess most babies at that time are 2.5-3 lbs. I have another specialist apt. this Monday to check growth and fluids again. I love to see pics of my chubby little guy.

HAPPY 4th of JULY! This is by far one of my most favorite holidays. We had a BBQ swim party with the Ivins', Lameiux's, and the McBride's. It was much more mellow than last years 4th with the same group of friends. Last year we had an all night softball tourney, all day volleyball tourney, carnival, and ended it with a trip to the Colorado Cattle Ranch. We still had a blast this year. Now we have two more babies in the group, and two on the way! It was fun for the boys to rough each other up in the swimming pool. I don't know how they have so much fun beating each other up playing basketball in the pool. I get my kicks off laying in a chair or a raft, gossiping with girls, or ignoring the world and reading a book.

Kade is a little fatter than cute Aspen... and they are only supposed to be 4 days apart!

Trying to watch fireworks...

I was stuck in the darn back has been SO SO bad lately. My back has really been bothering me for the last 2 months..but I was always able to grunt through it. I might of started over doing it working on this house the last little while. My back got to the point where I couldn't walk at all for a few days. The worst was getting into a car, and getting out of bed because I was laying flat. I had to sleep in a chair for a few days. I truly think that this has been Heavenly Fathers way of humbling me. I thought I was some tough girl, and it got to the point where I just couldn't move. I had to start to be a lot more dependent on my husband and other people to help me with things. It stunk having Nate have to help walk me to the bathroom and get me drinks of water. I didn't know that my love for Nate could grow even more in this last few months. It has been so patient and loving towards me. Every time he does such a little act of love and service for me, my love for him grows. I am so lucky to have the most caring husband in the world.

Happy 2 year anniversary! We stayed at Nate's parents for a week while we we were getting a head start on painting and waiting for carpet to get in. Well...We had our anniversary on June 22nd. We thought it would be cool to spend our first night, and have our first dinner in our new house on our anniversary. So we dragged the mattress into the living room and flopped it on the floor. We bought a grill and steaks for a BBQ. Only problem is we had to assemble the grill. The instructions said 35 to 40 min. assembly time. We started putting it together at 6:30 and to make a long story short...we ate dinner at 11:15 at night!!! We were missing a piece so had to go back to Home Depot...we put one of the screws in the wrong place and had to re due half of it...the worst part of it all is later we found out the Home Depot puts together the grills for free every Wednesday. Wish we would've known that sooner! Actually, it made for such a funny memory. By the end of the night, after we got over being frustrated and mad...we were laughing so hard how dumb we were.

Me and Greg (Nate's dad) Painting....We had a lot of help from friends moving in and Nate's parents were great to come over most every night to help with projects. We wouldn't have been able to do it without them. I can NOT believe how much work we have put into this house. We really love it so much. It's been such a different summer for us. Because it's been a lot of work, and not a lot of play. I have been having a hard time because I want to work so much more, but my body doesn't cooperate. So I take a lot of breaks.

Nate is such a hard worker...every single day he is doing a new project. This is just a little list of the things we've done: Painted (every square inch of the house/doors/ceilings/baseboards. The colors are really fun. Some people may not agree..but we love them! VERY COLORFULL and different themes for each room), we installed blinds, ceiling fans/lights, fixed dishwasher, hauled in a new fridge, grouted the bathroom tile, pulled the huge weeds, sprayed for bugs, tore out the old hardwood flooring, carpet in all the rooms put in, put up curtains and rods, put in new deadbolts throughout, fixed the garage door opener, and put together our porch swing.... We are still in the process of unpacking boxes, and fixing the sprinkler system. We love to water our grass, and we have to take turns because we both love it. Oh the simple things that we love about having our own home!
Let me be the first to say the house looks awesome! We know how you feel about doing TONS of projects....Ryan just informed me that after we finish the basement, the only way we're ever moving from this house is if I give him divorce papers!! It was so good to see you last month, and yes, I still need to send you your pics from the shower - sorry I'm so slow! Glad to hear things are going well with little Kade.
I love the pics i am so excited that you are expecting soooo soon. those babies fill a void in your heart you never knew was empty and are so much fun. Good luck
Your house looks so cute! I love it! I'm glad to hear you and the baby are doing well!
Looks like you guys have been super busy. We would love to plan a camping trip with you guys. YOu would have 4 built in babysitters who would love to help out with Kade. Can you email me your address so I can send you, well Kade, a gift.
I can't believe how much you guys have been doning! You need to relax :) My lower back has been hurting the last 2 weeks also. It suck not being able to do any thing for your self! Good thing we have awesome husbands! I hope that the rest of your pregnacy goes well Love you guys! You look cute prego! Your house colors are cute I like them and it reminds me of you!
LOVE all the updates :) Love your house, love your belly, and LOVE KADE! We miss you guys!
Yea!! Thanks for the update! I LOVE the colors I was able to see of your house- you will have to post more when you get more settled. How exciting to have a house and to make it your own. You guys sure have been busy! You anniversary/ BBQ story cracks me up! That totally sounds like something that would happen to us- in fact we did have a similar BBQ story. Tommy spent forever trying to put it together and finally took it all apart cuz it wasn't going together right. He took it back to the store just sure it was missing a part, only to find out he just did it wrong:) So funny! Man, you better take it easy- what are you doing painting?! No wonder you wouldn't walk for days silly girl! Oh and I got my black swim suit at Target and the brown one from Motherhood. You look awesome and I'm so excited for you and little Kade- oh and nate of course!
you look great! Swimming was my only relief from the back pain.
You look so cute! I'm so excited for you, and I feel your pain with the whole back pain problem! I think that is the worst thing about being pregnant:( I'm sorry!
Wowzers...busy lady. The house looks amazing! I'm loving all the colors. You are going to appreciate your house so much more after you think of the long hours you spent getting it perfect. I'm so sad I missed your shower! :( I still have a gift for you and would like to ship it your way...I just need an address!
Thanks for the update. I love reading your posts. They make me happy.
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