What in the WORLD am I doing up...yes it is almost 3 in the morning. Does anyone else have a window of opportunity for sleep? I feel like if I pass that tiredness, then I just CAN'T fall asleep. Maybe it has something to do with me being fat and can't focus on sleep cause I keep thinking about how good Macaroni and Cheese sounds. Of course I tried to eat a few other things, but it didn't cut it (I should've known and just made it in the first place!) To make matters worse, half our crap is still in boxes and the Kraft just happened to be buried away. I am digging around in boxes in the garage at 1:30 am. Nate is working tonight is dying that he is still getting texts from me this late. It's now 3:30 am...yes still up! I thought the whole "nesting" thing was a bunch of crock...but here I am folding baby clothes in Kade's room in the middle of the night. HELP, I have gone nuts!

So I just made a pretty life changing decision this weekend. My friend let me borrow a book called "Baby Wise". I was starting to get a little nervous that I have no idea what to do with a baby. I don't have a hospital bag packed. And it seems like everyone keeps asking me questions about how I am going to do this or that... and I have no clue what they are talking about. So last Friday I pulled another late night and stayed up the whole stinkin night reading that crazy book. It started to make me freak a little. I called Nate at work and was asking how in the world am I ever going to get a baby on a schedule when I am at work full time. Plus I still didn't know what I was going to do about a full time babysitter. I was also worried about starting out the year when I can hardly walk. I had so set in my mind that I was going to teach one more year to help us financially. Nate is now working full time, but he is continuing his education, and we just bought the house. Well, LONG story short.......I am going to be a stay at home mom. It was a weekend FULL of prayers, and freaking out, and more prayers trying to decide what to do. I was SOOOO nervous to call my principal because school starts in less than a week! YES I am crazy! I hated to do that do them at the last min...but it just felt so right and it still does. I thought that after it sunk in what I did that I would start to have second thoughts. But I can't be more excited about it. I already love this little guy SO SO MUCH and I just hated the thought of leaving him with someone else. I am going to start subbing and teaching aerobics again when i recover to help us out. But we both think it will definitely be worth the financial sacrifice for me to be home. It's so weird to think that I have already taught 4 years of school and now I am just done for a while. I don't know if Nate loves the idea that we have to now go take down my classroom when our garage isn't even all the way unpacked yet. Hey, at least we already have boxes! I am so grateful to Nate to support, and encourage me to make this decision. We were really worried about how the stress of both of us working full time, Nate going also going to school full time, and having a new baby was going to do to us. I feel HORRIBLE that I had to all of a sudden think about this a week before school starts, but we had to do what was best for our family. I guess it was better now than half way into the year. So I guess I am going to have to step up my game as a housewife. If that is going to be my job now, then I better learn to cook and clean and take care of a child or I am going to get shipped back to school.