I hope everyone had a wonderful Holiday Season. I love Christmas SOOO much because I love all the festivities and parties that go along with it. This year it seemed like we had 3Christmas's. We did early celebration with my family in Utah. Then we had to come back to AZ because Nate had to work Christmas eve and part of Christmas morning (BIG HOAX!) When he got home we had our own little families Christmas. Later we had it at Nate's families. There are a lot of pics because for some reason I didn't download all my pictures to picasa so I couldn't do to many collages.
Dani and Jordan's Ugly sweater party...Nate and I were the nastiest ones there.
The Davis side of has an annual "Meatball Party" every year. It is 100% gaurenteed to be a GOOD TIME! WE all laugh our butts off every year. This year was extra special because all the cousins were acutally there. Usually one family can't make it into town. It was so nice to see Tad and Scott's little kids and Lisa told us she is pregnant! We have our classic white elephant game and Nate and I got that funny light. Thanks Tyrel!
Nate looks drunk :) Jeff definitly had the nasty sweater going on.
My girlfriends from High School have an annual Christmas pary every year. I had SO much fun seeing everyone. We just did girls only and it was great to catch up. Steph did a great job hosting the party. I am sad that I don't get to see the girls that often, I missed them! Des told us her engagment story and I am excited to go up to Utah agian for the wedding.
We had a great visit at Justin's house (Nate's older brother) The kids were so excited to meet Kade because he is there only cousin so far. They were big helpers and liked to help me change his diaper. Lyndsay started up a new business and she shared her treats with us. They were amazing. Kade LOVES being around people. He is so happy when he gets a lot of attention, so needless to say vacations are great for him!
Of course my mom was at it again buying Dylan and Kade the cutest matching outfits. My mom turned one of her rooms into a playroom for the boys. Kade loved all the stuffed animals and cool toys.
Nate and my brothers went on a few ice fishing trips. Fishing in snow is NOT my idea of a good time, but they can't get enough of it.
I am such a Grandpa's girl. I love all my granparents and I was so glad they got to spend a little time with Kade.
We are having a hard time getting back to day to day life after our trip. Kade got a little to used to the 24/7 attention and being rocked to sleep by the grandparents.
We did family pictures. The hardest part about pics is cordinating everyones outfits. My dad puts a veto on wearing any red...so the colors somehow turn out to be blue most everytime :) The pics were during Kade's nap time. He wasn't crying...but wouldn't really smile for the camera.
We had a great time at the Sager's the last few days. Adam got some leave from the Navy. He engaged to his girlfriend Caroline! We are so excited because we love her. She is a lot of fun. Kathy made Kade some funny PJ's for Christmas eve. He looked like an old fashioned baby. It was SO cute to watch Kade tare the wrapping paper up. He also loved to play his baseball game.

Every night that Adam was here we did fun things. Grandpa Sager took us all Bowling and Nate kicked all our butts. We a fun picnic at the park. Picnics in December, gotta love AZ weather. Nate had to work New Year's Eve so I went with Heidi, Adam, amd Caroline to Polar Ice. The kicker is, it was a Young Single Adult activity. YIKES. What am I doing going to those things. It was that or stay home alone. I loved my single days, but I love even more that I have such a wonderful family and I am done with the single activites.
Love your family pictures! Kade is so cute and you look so good!! Lame. :)
Cute pictures. You had a lot of celebrations this year. So fun to be around family. Sam's sweater has a story behind it. A long time ago Grandma Moore made sweatshirts for all her kids with pot holders on it. Aaron stole his mom's and wore it last year at thanksgiving and Christmas. Sam and I decided we were going to make our own. We got this potholder and sewed it on. Pretty funny.
Looks like you had great holidays too! Kade is getting so big! oh man! p.s. super cute lil family pic of you guys!! luv n miss u!
Love the family pics! They are sooo cute! And I love your necklace! Where did you get it? Loved seeing you! Can't wait for the wedding!!
Way cute pictures! I love them!
I love your fam pics! Who took them? Love the ugly sweaters, matching cousins outfits and all the fun pics!!! You look awesome!
Those family pictures are GORGEOUS! You are seriously so beautiful, Michelle. Your lucky kids are going to be models.
Love sweater parties, love white elephants, love seeing family and old friends (um, I recognized like two people from that high school picture...we obviously had different friends), and love that Christmas is over. Here's to a great new year!
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