Now I don't want anyone to think that I am complaining about being a mother. I love Kade more than I ever even knew was possible. He makes me so incredibly happy. He is SUCH a blessing to our lives. I just have to journal how it's going so I can one day and look back and laugh what a crazy mother I was! First, I am sure many of you can relate with this with your husbands working, and/or in school. But Nate works nights at the hospital. So before he starts a shift he has to get a nap in so he can last the 13 hour night. When he gets home he has to sleep...he'll wake up just in enough time to shower, eat, and get ready to go back to work. So I maybe see him 2 hours a day. Just enough time for me to take out my frustrations on him. Lucky man! :) I can survive with my two hours of sleep a night just fine, but around 5 o'clock I start wearing down, and that's right when he wakes up to get ready to leave again. I tried to be a good wife last night and make him dinner before he left. While I was feeding Kade, the water boiled over from the corn on the cob and about lit the house on fire...I dropped a pork chop on the ground...old me probably would've laughed so, anxiety me, says mean things to my husband like it was all his fault. I really don't know how single mothers do it. I give them such mad props. I give props to every parent out there. I know that there are a lot of people that have much harder issues with their kids, and it really could be a lot worse. Tonight has been SO nice because Nate has the evening off. I feel like a normal couple that can spend the evening together and he can help change a diaper. Kade does so much better when his dad is home. I guess it's true that babies read your stress. I just don't want to do anything wrong, or screw up. This is funny coming from a person that can show up to teach school one minute before the bell rings and not have any lessons planned, and can sneak out of meetings, and do homework on the way to class. But other things in my life I am such a perfection-ist with...and I guess this is one of them.
I have to give some shout outs to all those that have helped me keep some sanity...Thanks to the Sager family, Gma Sager and Heidi for coming over some days to watch him so I can rest! Thanks to my family, Gma and Gpa Davis for sending him cute clothes and letting me call all the time to tell funny stories. Thanks to Brandi for our nightly phone calls...she is very supportive even though I know she had it 1,000 times harder than I do. Thanks to all my girlfriends for answering my texts and questions I have. Shout out to my hubster who still loves me even though I am a crazy, parinod mother. Thanks to those that have brought meals so we didn't have to eat pbj's again! I promise when things start to settle down I will be a better friend and return some of this service I have received.
I also look forward to our nightly walks. He can't get enough of his snuggli backpack and his moby wrap so he can be bundled. I make up funny songs on our walks that have to dumbest lyrics ever. I just sing whatever comes to mind that rhymes...I love it so much!
Don't you just want to smooch those lips??!! Well, I am hoping next post I have taken a chill pill and am able to relax more. You know when you are a little kid and you think your parents knew all have to promise to not tell Kade that I don't know what I am doing...but just trying my best!
I hate when people tell me they know what I am going through, because I feel like every situation is different, so I just want to say that I have a small glimpse into what you are going through! Reading your post reminds me exactly of Gage and every one says that it will start getting better by 3 months, well, he will be 5 months next week and we are still really struggling!
We have tried a few different prescriptions to try to get a handle on the reflex! The one that he is one right now seems to help a little bit but it is definitely not a cure all!
I started pumping because I was absolutley determined to exclusively breastfeed for the first 6 months, but at 3 months we started him on Soy formula, which has also helped a little!
He is a horrible sleeper and sometimes I wish I could just turn his monitor off at night and get more then 3 hours of sleep at a time! I know it sounds bad but it is true!
I admire you for being honest about your expereinces! Because a lot of people put up a false front about how things are going!
Hang in there! I wish I could tell you when it gets better, but I'm still hoping for that myself! :)
Here's to future FULL nights of sleep, and non crying babies!
Little Kade is so stinkin cute. That is to bad that your Dad isn't running. ARe you guys staying with Marcella? WHat days will you be down? Can't wait to see the little one and you guys as well.
Oh my heck you are too dang funny and guess what I think every mom feels the same way with there first, my case first and second ha ha. It sounds like you are doing jsut great because that way cute baby is still breathing. However you make it through the day is the right way, Keep up the good work and this will pass. GREAT JOB. Such a cute baby!!!
He is soooo cute!!!!! i can't believe how big he is. and he can hold his head up already!!! you are doing a great job with kade being your first born. i hope you and nate will get to spend more time together in the future!!!
Michelle, our little girl cried from the second she woke up until she finally just passed out at night. My doc right away knew it was food allergies. Once i went off cows milk and soy she was a COMPLETELY different baby. Might be worth checking into. I know how hard life is with a screaming unhappy baby.
Conner had stomach aches when he was little too, he finally had to be put on soy formula. Also, have you tried gripe water or milacon drops? they work instantly to get rid of stomach aches. Newborns can have them and my doctor recommended it to me, and also my sister in law who's baby had colic. Good luck! I'm sure your doing great! I wish I was there to help you so you could take a nap!!
Wow, I can relate to you when it comes to your husband working graves. My kids ARE NOT the same when NIck is gone to work. Nick will come home, sleep all day, leave for work at 4:30, come home at 7am and repeat the cycle. IT IS HARD HARD HARD HARD HARD!!!!!! I know how you feel. Do you have my number? I am up late so if you need to call me for a venting session or to cry, CALL ME! 801-687-1617. First off, does he have acid refulx? McCoy had it and he SCREAMED all day long but slept like a good baby should. We got him on a dissolvable medication and it worked WONDERS!!! McCoy was Cade's age when he had Reflux..... maybe if you havent already talk to your dr about it, its soooooooooo great if you can find something that helps him-poor little guy! Its hard being a mom Michelle. We love love love it, but we become a slave to it and we forget that we have needs or desires too. Im seeing this on too many blogs right now, women who think they need to "buck up and smile" but its not true....we need to have help, we need to be admired, we need to have time to ourself's, we need to sleep and we need quiet time as well..... maybe try some things that helped us with Coy....
Put him in his car seat then put him on top of the dryer with the dryer running. The hum and soft giggle of the dryer SOOTHES them! Also, another thing that might help, take him outside and lay him on a blanket in the shade, they love change and for some reason being outside works for some babies! Have you tried wrapping him up tight? fold your blanket into a triangle and put his arms down to his side and wrap him up....not just wrap him, but tight so he cant move and they love that! One more idea.... burn a cd of a river of water running and put it on repeat and play it for him....the sound is soothing and its comforting. You could also try outdoor sounds like birds chirpping or something, but I have found water works best for my kids. Colic is hard. Dont be afraid to let him cry it out a little if you need a break. Crying never hurt a baby. You could try a fan in his room too, babies like that sound as well...... seriously Mich, call me anytime!! Love you and he is such a doll I could kiss him!! You are doing great, its hard so dont think you need to be all happy shmappy about it, its hard and though you might laugh at times, you will also want to punch a wall!!! Love you!!
PS...I can't wait to kiss his cheeks. Less than 2 weeks!
O Mich! We are all just doing the best we can! You are an awesome mom and Kade is so lucky to have you! It will get easier, and he will sleep someday! Hang in there! Love you girly!
Mich you are such a good mom because you would do anything for him. Just keep hanging in there, this stage will pass and you'll look back and think if only he could be little again.
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