Thursday, March 25, 2010
Go Dodgers!
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Perfectly Stated
SERIOUSLY, this is SO worth reading. Is it considered copy write? Opps...It may sound negative at the beginning...just keep reading to the end :)
"For my wife and I, the most challenging years were those that followed the births of our children. There seems to be a misconception that the first year of a child's life resembles a Hallmark commercial, complete with cooing babies and smiling, calm parents. In contrast, y wife still refers to that period as "the hateful years." By "hateful", what Jane meant was this: There were moments when she hated practically everything. She hated how she looked and how she felt. She hated women whose breasts didn't ache and women who still fit into their clothes. She hated how oily her skin became and hated the pimples that appeared for the first time since adolescence. But it was the lack of sleep that raised her ire most of all, and consequently, nothing irritated her more than hearing stories of other mothers whose infants slept through the night within weeks of leaving the hospital. In fact, she hated everyone who had thee opportunity to sleep more than three hours at a stretch, and there were times, it seemed, that she even hated me for my role in all this. After all, I couldn't breast-feed, and because of my long hours at the law firm, I had no choice but to sleep in the guest room occasionally so I could function at the office the next day. Though I'm certain that she understood this intellectually, it often didn't seem that way. "Good Morning," I might say when I saw her staggering into the kitchen, "How did the baby sleep?" Instead of answering, she would sigh impatiently as she moved toward the coffeepot. "Up a lot?" I'd ask tentatively. "You wouldn't last a week" On cue, the baby would start to cry. Jane would grit her teeth, slam her coffee cup down, and looks as if she wondered why it was the God seemed to hate her so. In time, I learned that it was wiser not to say anything. Then, of course, there is the fact that having a child transforms the basic marriage relationship. No longer are you simply husband and wife, you are mother and father as well, and all spontaneity vanishes immediately. Going out to dinner? Have to find out whether her parents can watch the baby. New movie? Haven't seen one these in over a year. Weekend getaways? Couldn't even conceive of them. This is not to say that the first year was entirely miserable. When people ask me what it's like to be a parent. I say it's among the hardest things you'll ever do, but in exchange, it teachers you the meaning of unconditional love. Everything a baby does strikes a parent as the most magical thing he or she has ever seen. I'll always remember the day each of my children first smiled at me; I remember clapping and watching the tears spill down Jane's face as they took their first steps; and there is nothing quite as peaceful as holding a sleeping child in the comfort of your arms and wondering how it's possible to care so deeply. Those are the moments that I find myself remembering the vivid detail now. the challenges--though I can speak of them dispassionately---are nothing but distant and foggy images, more akin to a dream than reality. No, there's no experience quite like having children, and despite the challenges we once faced, I've considered myself blessed because of the family we created. As I said, however, I've just learned to be prepared for surprises....."
Almost to the T my own thoughts. The non sleeping; Nate having to sleep during the days so he can function for work. Which leaves me all alone during the night.... and basically alone during the day too so he can sleep; Nate and I haven't been on a real date in ages. We tried so hard to arrange for his mom to take Kade. We picked out a matinee movie to see so that we could be back in time to pick up Kade, bring him home, and get him in bed a good time. Well, Kade had a bad afternoon. He wouldn't go down for a nap until right before we were going to leave. By the time I got done with him our movie was almost going to start, and I hadn't had time for myself to get ready and I really wanted to get dressed up a little and try to look cute for once. I was really disappointed that we couldn't go to the movies together. Later that evening we were sitting at the dinner table chatting. I felt a little pat pat on my leg. I look down and Kade had crawled under the table and was giving me the biggest smile. That little stinker just melted my heart and I can't imagine what my life would be like without him. It is so crazy that this spirit who is sometimes my biggest stress in also always my greatest pride and joy.
Sunday, March 14, 2010

Saturday ended up being such a great day. We didn't do anything big, I just really enjoyed our time as a family working around the house. Nate taught me how to mow and edge the lawn. Yes, I know it's pathetic that I've never mowed a lawn before. We basically had boy jobs, and girl jobs at my house growing up. Since I was the only girl I didn't ever mow the lawn or take out the trash. I ended up LOVING mowing our lawn. Outside chores are always more fun when it's a nice day. We pulled weeds and pruned some bushes. I didn't have any loud music playing like I usually do when we pull weeds. It was just really relaxing to have some quiet time. It may sound cliche' or cheesy...but I liked hearing the dogs barking, birds chirping, and the kids playing next door. I am so grateful that our Father in Heaven created this beautiful world for us to experience. One of our lessons in church today was about how we can take care of, and beautify, the things God has blessed us with. I hope it motivates me to get out and take care of our weeds and house work more often. Kade was just happy he's not big enough to pull weeds yet. He had a fun time playing with his toys on his blanket while we worked :)
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Little campers
We met the funniest/craziest old guy while we were camping. Of course his name was Bill. He didn't even remember how long he'd been camping at the Lake for! He was all by him self and loving every second of it. He had a sweet bass boat and took Nate and JJ out with him. I swear he is Nate's new hero. He fishes tournaments all over, he is a hunting guide, teaches fly fishing lessons, had crafts antler lamps and chandeliers. I got a glimpse of what Nate will be like in 30 years.
Nate was a bit of a strug on this trip. I really thinking I am wearing off on him....that isn't so good cause you have to have one person in the house that actually has a brain! Annie and I were having a hard time trying to get the dutch oven dinners ready while doing the kids too. It was getting dark and we needed some boy scouts to get the fire going. I called the men and "kindly" urged them to hurry and come back to camp. Nate accidentally left his boats trolling motor next to his truck because he was in a hurry...yep, it was gone the next day! :( So day 2 of camping the boys had to paddle in the boat. Nate's fishing pole got caught on a under water tree and while he was tugging it snapped right in half! Oh joy! Just what I was hoping we'd spend our tax return money fishing stuff.