Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Getting out

This past month I have been trying to plan at least one fun outing a day...sometimes it is just as simple of doing a library baby time, or play group at the park.  I am not good at staying busy in the house, so I like to stay busy by going out.  One day I will learn how to stay home a whole day and actually get stuff done like cleaning or cooking...but I figure when our next little man comes, we will have to be home for the first little for now, bring on the "funner" stuff! These are 3 recent activities that I actually remembered to bring my camera to...
This is at the Phoenix Children's Museum. We all had a blast there, not just Kade! They had 3 different floors and lots of rooms full of interactive learning games and fun activities. We stuck to the rooms that younger kids could appreciate.  Kade's favorite was the noodle jungle. It was so claustrophobic in there! You couldn't see anything but noodles!


This is our yearly tradition with the Williamsons. We were laughing how last year the adults went on all the rides and we took turns watching the kids. This year, the funnest part was watching the kids do the rides...we didn't even go on any ourselves.  You know you are a real mom when you have more fun watching your little one do something than doing something yourself :)

So maybe I had to tell a little lie to the carnival worker to allow Kade to ride the train. What? He doesn't look 2 years old? I tried getting him in on several kids rides to get turned down every time.  We had already bought tons of tickets and I wanted him to get to ride the train so I figured a little fib wouldn't hurt. Who lies to a carnival worker??!!

The pink elephant ride was the only ride in the park that Kade was legally aloud to go on. He felt so big sitting next to cute Liberty...He really loves her!

Bass Pro Shop Santa's Workshop:

They have the COOLEST Santa's workshop at bass pro. If you have one near by, then I totally recommend visiting it.  They have stuffed reindeer next to Santa's shop and everything looks so real.  It's totally how I would picture the North Pole :) Nate loves it because he can go look at all the stuff while I wait with Kade in line.  I did not mind waiting in line because then I didn't have to pretend to be interested in the fishing lures.   They let every kid do a craft and make a stocking.  I am a mean mom and kinda got into it, I wouldn't let Kade help by messing it up. He kept trying to eat the jewels anyways. He must have thought it was more candy cane.

 Kade wouldn't stop waving at Santa Clause...he loved him! I will have to scan the professional pic they took of him because it was much better.

It is getting much harder to hold Kade! He is always wants me to hold him because he knows I will let him down to go wander and cause trouble because I can never hold him long enough. 

And yes, I am that dorky mom that has her boy dress up as Santa to go see Santa. He might kill me for this when he gets older.  Maybe I will mix it up and let him be an elf next Christmas!
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The Williamson's said...

I can't stop laughing! That picture with kade and santa is to die for!! I totally want to take Liberty there now :)

Tim and Brittney said...

Looks like you guys are having a lot of fun! I love his santa suit!

Marisa Jean said...

Love that Children's Museum! Seriously, how are we not next door neighbors? I need to get out more because I keep myself locked in the house doing projects all day. We'd be a good check and balance for each other.

That Santa suit is to die for! Ha ha!!! Such a cutie! And so is your little belly! Awwww...